Risk management of former european mining regions
The POMHAZ project aims to improve hazard assessment and risk management of former mining regions and their infrastructures. The full project title is: Post-Mining Multi-Hazards Evaluation for Land-Planning. Over the next two years, the European partners intend to jointly optimise their methodological knowledge in order to implement practical multi-hazard analyses in connection with the most important post-mining risks. The methodology developed will be extensively tested and adapted to the specific needs of the local authorities in the partner countries - especially taking into account the different risks affecting the mining area in the European context. The FZN will contribute its extensive monitoring experience here.

The project is coordinated by L’Institut national de l’environnement industriel et des risques (INERIS) from France. Other partners in the consortium are: CERTH (Greece), Public Power Corporation (Greece), the TU Bergakademie Freiberg and Spółka Restrukturyzacji Kopalń (Poland), the company that is responsible for closing the mines in Poland.
The project POMHAZ will be financed until 2025 from funds by the Research Fund for Coal and Steel The project number is: 101057326.
Project objectives
- Improve the coherence of the methods for the different hazards
- Develop a systematic approach to risk assessment, taking into account the physical interactions between hazards and the impact of risk mitigation techniques
- Develop a "Decision Support System" (DSS)
- Develop a GIS tool to facilitate the mapping of multiple hazards
- Provide coherent documents for future land management
More information:

Prof. Dr. Tobias Rudolph
Technische Hochschule Georg Agricola, University
Herner Street 45
44787 Bochum
Building 2, room 101
Phone 0234 968 3682
Mail tobias.rudolph@thga.de

Dipl.-Ing. Benjamin Haske
Technische Hochschule Georg Agricola, University
Herner Street 45
44787 Bochum
Building 2, room 207
Phone 0234 968 3667
Mail benjamin.haske@thga.de