Somayeh Sharifi, M.Sc.
Wissenschaftliche Mitarbeiterin im Bereich Ewigkeitsaufgaben und Grubenwasser Management
Research focuses
- Mathematische Modellierung und Optimierungsprobleme
- Management von Wasserressourcen
- Künstliche Intelligenz
- Maschinelles Lernen
- Numerische Analyse
- Spieltheorie
- Mitglied der Association for Mathematics Applied to Social and Economic Sciences (AMASES), Italien
- Forscherin bei MEDAlics, Forschungszentrum der Universita per Stranieri Dante Alighieri, Reggio Calabria, Italien
- Sharifi, S., Badakaya, AJ., Salimi, M. (2022): On game value for a pursuit-evasion differential game with state and integral constraints, Japan Journal of Industrial and Applied Mathematics 39 (2), 653-66.
- Abdal, S., Siddique, L., Afzal, S., Sharifi, S., Salimi, M., Ahmadian, A. (2022): An analysis for variable physical properties involved in the nano-biofilm transportation of Sutterby fluid across shrinking/stretching surface, Nanomaterials 12 (4), 599.
- Khademi, M., Sharifi, S., Salimi, M., Pansera, BA., Ferrara, M. (2022): An interval-stochastic compromise programming for urban water resource allocation Atti della Accademia Peloritana dei Pericolanti- Classe di Scienze Fisiche, Matematiche e Naturali, 100 (1), A4.
- I., R., Sharifi, S., Khademi, M., Salimi, M., Ferrara, M. (2021): Analysis of some incentives on two-echelon reverse supply chain with a strategic consumer: The case of unwanted medications in households, Multiple Criteria Decision Making in Health and Medicine, 29, 37-48.
- Behl, R., Salimi, M., Ferrara, M., Sharifi, S., Samaher K.A. (2019): Some real-life application of a newly constructed derivative free iterative scheme, Symmetry, 11(2), 239.
- Jamaludin, N., A., A., Nik Long, N., M., A., Salimi, M., Sharifi, S. (2019): Review of some iterative methods for solving nonlinear equations with multiple zeros, Afrika Matematika 30 (3), 355-369.
- Salimi, M., Nik Long, N.M.A., Sharifi, S., Pansera, B.A. (2018): A multi-point iterative method for solving nonlinear equations with optimal order of convergence, Japan Journal of Industrial and Applied Mathematics, 35 (2), 497-509.
- Ferrara, M., Khademi, M., Salimi, M., Sharifi, S. (2017): A Dynamic Stackelberg Game of Supply Chain for a Corporate Social Responsibility, Discrete Dynamics in Nature and Society, vol. 2017, Article ID 8656174, 8 page s.
- Nik Long, N.M.A., Salimi, M., Sharifi, S., Ferrara, M. (2017): Developing a new family of Newton– Secant method with memory based on a weight function, SeMA Journal, 74 (4), 503-512.
- Salimi, M., Lotfi, T., Sharifi, S., Siegmund, S. (2017): Optimal Newton-Secant-like methods without memory for solving nonlinear equations with its dynamics, International Journal of Computer Mathematics, 94 (9), 1759-1777.
- Ferrara, M., Sharifi, S., Salimi, M. (2017): Computing multiple zeros by using a parameter in Newton-Secant method, SeMA Journal, 74 (4), 361-369.
- Matthies, G., Salimi, M., Sharifi, S., Varona, J.L. (2016): An optimal three-point eighth-order iterative method without memory for solving nonlinear equations with its dynamics, Japan Journal of Industrial and Applied Mathematics, 33 (3), 751-766.
- Sharifi, S., Ferrara, M., Salimi, M., Siegmund, S. (2016): New modification of Maheshwari method with optimal eighth order of convergence for solving nonlinear equations, Open Mathematics (formerly Central European Journal of Mathematics), 14, 443-451.
- Sharifi, S., Salimi, M., Siegmund, S., Lotfi, T. (2016): A new class of optimal four-point methods with convergence order 16 for solving nonlinear equations, Mathematics, and Computers in Simulation, 119, 69-90.
- Sharifi, S., Siegmund, S., Salimi, M. (2016): Solving nonlinear equations by a derivativefree form of King’s family with memory, Calcolo, 53 (2), 201-215.
- Salimi, M., Ibragimov, G., Siegmund, S., Sharifi, S. (2016): On a Fixed Duration Pursuit Differential Game with Geometric and Integral Constraints, Dynamic Games and Applications, 6 (3), 409-425.
- Lotfi, T., Sharifi, S., Salimi, M., Siegmund, S. (2015): A new class of three-point methods with optimal convergence order eight and its dynamics, Numerical Algorithms, 68 (2), 261- 288.
- Lotfi, T., Soleymani, F., Sharifi, S., Shateyi, S., KhaksarHaghani, F. (2014): Multi-point iterative methods for finding all the simple zeros in an interval, Journal of Applied Mathematics, vol. 2014, Article ID 601205, 13 pages.