WINTER: Web-INTEractive management tool for coal Regions in transition
Interactive Online Handbook for Structural Change

The EU project WINTER is creating an interactive web platform to support the management of coal regions undergoing transition or transformation. To this end, the Research Center of Post-Mining is going to be working closely together with the Centre for Research and Technology Hellas (CERTH) in Greece and the Poltegor-Instytut in Poland. In the three pilot regions Ruhrgebiet (Germany), West Macedonia (Greece) and Konin (Poland) the experts survey and analyze technical, socio-economic and legal structures on the basis of 'best and worst practice examples' in the different countries. The exemplary regions are at different stages of transition: While structural change is already well advanced in the Ruhr region, the Greek and Polish coal regions are still rather at the beginning of these processes.

Die Wissenschaftlerinnen und Wissenschaftler erarbeiten ein regionales Management-Handbuch, das auf den Governance-Strukturen der Pilotregionen aufbaut. Darüber hinaus werden systematisch Informationen aus den Regionen in einem Datenpool gesichert. Langfristig entsteht so ein interaktives, digitales Werkzeug, mit dessen Hilfe die verschiedenen Stakeholder – darunter Kommunen, politische Akteure, Sozialpartner oder Institutionen – den Transitionsprozess und verknüpfte Strategien für den notwendigen Strukturwandel optimieren können. Am FZN werden hierzu die regionalen Governance-Strukturen mit ihren sozioökonomischen Aspekten in den Pilotregionen untersucht und zu einem Management-Handbuch zusammengeführt, das sich auf die Datenstruktur von WINTER bezieht.
The aim is to create, for the first time in Europe, a framework for regional management that brings together local sites in a regional system, including concrete recommendations for practical implementation. This also includes a media analysis to provide information on how structural change is perceived by the regional public. In the future, the scientists want to apply the findings to other coal regions throughout Europe.
The EU is funding the project until 2024 with means of the "Research Fund for Coal and Steel".
You can find further information on this website:

Julia Haske, M.A.
Technische Hochschule Georg Agricola, University
Herner Street 45
44787 Bochum
Building 2, room 202
Phone 0234 968 4147