We transfer our know-how as our way of meeting our responsibilities to society.
Here at the Research Center of Post-Mining, we work closely with mining and “predecessor” companies, public authorities, water boards and regional associators, industrial companies, engineering firms as well as universities located both in Germany and abroad. We perform important commissioned research projects, and maintain a continuous dialogue with the other stakeholders and institutions. This is because we want to make our knowledge available to others, rather than place it in an archive.
This is the thinking behind the way in which well-respected studies and scientific publications are produced within the Research Center. We also organise our own specialist conferences such as the “NACHBergbauzeit in NRW” [the post-mining era in North-Rhine Westphalia], in partnership with the Municipality of Arnsberg. We are also actively involved in working groups and committees, and we advise affected regions on structural change. We share our latest findings at national and international conferences and conventions, and to interested members of the public. And our cutting-edge research into post-mining has an audience throughout the world. In future, technologies for innovative post-mining applications will become globally marketable.
Do you have any questions about our areas of research? You'd like to us to be a partner, and you have a specific project in mind? You are looking for innovative solutions for cleaning up and the subsequent use of freed up mining sites?
So, talk to us!
The Research Center of Post-Mining is a place where regional authorities, municipalities, enterprises, public agencies and institutions concerned with the consequences of the mining industry, can get the practical advice they need. We engage with the challenges, and identify new opportunities. Our experts are independent, interdisciplinary and focus on the technical, social and economic issues.
Since 2010, the RAG Stiftung has supported the THGA to become the first academic institution in Germany to make post-mining as focal aspect of its teaching and research. It was for this reason that in 2012, the RAG Stiftung established the first endowed chair in Geo-engineering and Post-mining for a period of five years. This was quickly followed by the accreditation for the part-time Geo-engineering and Post-mining master’s programme, and the official opening of the Research Center of Post-Mining at the THGA. Since the summer semester of 2019, the RAG-Stiftung has also been funding a second endowed chair in Geo-monitoring in Post-mining..

Research Advisory Board
The Reserach Center is assisted by a Research Advisory Board that sits once a year. The Research Advisory Board makes recommendations regarding the strategic direction and focus of the research activities. It also advises on how to finance research proposals and research projects already initiated. At the same time, it is funding the promotion and development of the Geo-engineering and Post-mining master's course.
The Research Advisory Board consists of:
- one member from the RAG Stiftung
- one member from the RAG Akriengesellschaft
- one member from the Executive Committee of the THGA
- as well as representatives from science, industry, business and public authorities.