
New project investigates micro-seismic events in former mining areas

By 10. February 2021#!30Tue, 05 Apr 2022 11:14:59 +0200+02:005930#30Tue, 05 Apr 2022 11:14:59 +0200+02:00-11Europe/Berlin3030Europe/Berlinx30 05am30am-30Tue, 05 Apr 2022 11:14:59 +0200+02:0011Europe/Berlin3030Europe/Berlinx302022Tue, 05 Apr 2022 11:14:59 +02001411144amTuesday=365#!30Tue, 05 Apr 2022 11:14:59 +0200+02:00Europe/Berlin4#April 5th, 2022#!30Tue, 05 Apr 2022 11:14:59 +0200+02:005930#/30Tue, 05 Apr 2022 11:14:59 +0200+02:00-11Europe/Berlin3030Europe/Berlinx30#!30Tue, 05 Apr 2022 11:14:59 +0200+02:00Europe/Berlin4#News



Mikroerschütterungen in ehemaligen Bergbaugebieten

Wo einst Bergbau betrieben wurde und der Mensch in die natürliche Geologie und in die Lagerstätte eingegriffen hat, kann es in der Folge zu mikroseismischen Erschütterungen kommen. Im Forschungsprojekt „PostMinQuake“ geht das FZN diesen Bodenbewegungen auf die Spur. Das Projektteam untersucht, wie genau sie entstehen, identifiziert besonders gefährdete Strukturen und entwickelt so ein langfristiges Risikomanagement für betroffene Regionen. Dazu arbeitet das FZN eng mit vielen europäischen Partnern aus Tschechien, Polen und Frankreich zusammen.

Gemeinsam beobachten sie die geologische Dynamik in den jeweiligen Testgebieten, die durch den Kohleabbau verändert wurden – in Deutschland sind dies vor allem das Ruhrgebiet, das Ibbenbürener und das Aachener Revier. Die Daten bezieht das FZN vom Geologischen Dienst NRW, von der RAG AG, von der Bundesanstalt für Geowissenschaften und Rohstoffe sowie von seismologischen Stationen der Ruhr-Universität Bochum.

Hier zu sehen: mikroseismische Erschütterungen im Ruhrgebiet im Zeitraum 2010-2020. (Map: RUB/University Cologne).

Das Projekt untersucht die wesentlichen Ursachen für Bodenbewegungen, welche die Stabilität der Oberfläche und kritische Infrastrukturen beeinflussen können. Das Hauptziel des Projekts ist es, die Mechanismen mikroseismischer Ereignisse nach dem Bergbau besser zu verstehen und Pläne für die Langzeitüberwachung des Erdbodens nach dem Bergbau zu erstellen. Aus den Erkenntnissen entwickelt das Projektteam in den kommenden drei Jahren eine Referenzdatenbank für europäische Gebiete nach dem Bergbau. Außerdem sollen die Untersuchungen dabei helfen, neue Überwachungsstrategien und Interpretationsmethoden für Gebiete mit erhöhter Erdbebengefährdung zu entwickeln.

Das Projekt ist Teil des EU-finanzierten Research Fund Coal and Steel (RCFS) und wird bis 2023 gefördert.

Project objectives

  • Besseres Verständnis für seismische Ereignisse in Nachbergbauregionen
  • Entwicklung von Monitoringplänen und Aufbau eines langfristigen Risikomanagements
  • Erarbeitung von Vorschlägen für Strategien im Umgang mit (mikro-)seismischen Ereignissen

More information:


Prof. Dr. Tobias Rudolph

Technische Hochschule Georg Agricola, University
Herner Street 45
44787 Bochum
Building 2, room 101

Phone 0234/968 3682

Prof. Dr. Peter Goerke-Mallet

Technische Hochschule Georg Agricola, University
Herner Street 45
44787 Bochum
Building 2, room 206

Phone 0234/968 3289

Our underground is in motion. Nevertheless the vibrations are usually so small and spatially limited that they can only be detected by very sensitive sensors. Even in places where mining took place and humans intervened in the natural geology and deposit, micro-seismic events can occur as a result of such activities. Paloma Primo, scientist at the Post-Mining Research Centre (FZN) of the THGA, is tracking down these mini-movements. In the new research project, “PostMinQuake”, the expert examines how they occur, identifies particularly endangered infrastructures and develops a long-term risk management for the affected regions. The native Spanish, who has a master degree as a mining engineer, works closely with other European partners to handle the post-mining era responsively also in Czech Republic, Poland and France.

“Our joint project is as complex as the interrelationships underground,” says Paloma Primo. “Our investigations go far beyond the simple connections between seismicity and geological activities in the partially water-filled, disused coal mines”. That is why experts from different disciplines, such as surveyors, geological engineers and hydrogeologists, work together in this project. Together, they observe the geological dynamic in the respective test sites that have been changed by coal mining – in Germany these mainly are the Ruhr Area, Ibbenbüren and Aachen districts. “In these areas, we document underground micro-seismic activities once a week. We also analyse and link records from past events”. Paloma Primo collects the data from the Geological Survey NRW, RAG AG, Federal Institute for Geosciences and Raw Materials and from seismological stations at the Ruhr University Bochum. “Through these stations, time, size, location and depth of the event are determined”.

In digital exchange with the EU partners: Paloma Primo investigates micro-seismic events in former mining areas in the Reserch Center of Post-Mining. (Photo: THGA/Volker Wiciok)

The experts pursue an important, common issue, explains the 28-year-old researcher: “Through our investigations, we want above all to ensure long-term security, create transparency and inform the public, since every community and former mine operator should have precise knowledge of the processes that take place underground. When it comes to ground movements, there are many fears and misunderstandings about what micro-seismic events are and their effects.” Therefore, the main goal of the project is to understand the mechanisms of micro-seismic events after mining better and to develop plans for long-term monitoring of the earth during mine closure.

Which external influences cause the micro-seismic events? Which parameters can be used to realistically simulate the effects on the PC? And how can satellite images help to correctly interpret the data obtained from the underground? “We are talking about a great amount of data that we first have to standardize in order to make it comparable and then to evaluate using the latest methods” says Primo. Over the next three years, the project team researches to develop a reference database for European areas after mining. In addition, the investigations should help to develop new monitoring strategies and interpretation methods for areas with increased seismic risk. The project is part of the EU-funded Research Fund Coal and Steel (RFCS).

Big data from the underground: In the PostMinQuake project, the researchers classify geographic information from the Geological Survey NRW, RAG AG, Federal Institute for Geosciences and Raw Materials and from seismological stations at the Ruhr University Bochum. Shown here: micro-seismic events in the Ruhr Area between 2010 and 2020. (Map: RUB/University Cologne).


Paloma Primo, M.Sc.

Technische Hochschule
Georg Agricola University
Herner Straße 45
44787 Bochum

Building 2, room 205
